I wrote briefly yesterday about the various ways that startups can make me leave a room without paying the bill. A few people mailed me to ask if a) I could stop pretending to be Dave McClure and b) actually tell people what I DO want to hear. In retrospect, I really should have written about the latter first. Obviously there are no ‘right answers’ but these approaches have certainly made me listen:
“Here’s what our retention graph looks like”
I seem to find myself beating up games startups more than most so I guess I should stay consistent here. I don’t care about registrations, I don’t care about page impressions. I don’t even care overly about monetization if it’s particularly early. Cut to the chase and show me if people are coming back.
“I started this company/app/service because I had the following problem”
People who have actually lived their problem instantly get more of my attention. Dominic in FightMyMonster has four boys who complained that Moshi Monsters was too girly and he needed to entertain them. Boom. Got me.
“This is who is going to acquire us and why”
One thing I really love are founders who completely understand their market as a multi-dimensional jigsaw and where they fit in it.
“I need your specific help here, here and over here”
Read about whoever you’re meeting and have a clear idea of what you want from them. Sometimes things can happen because of meandering conversations but mostly not.
“Here are five slides that summarize what we’re doing”
Okay, so obviously I prefer words but if you want to roll through slides and you’ve really worked hard to summarize things, then you’ve certainly got my attention. You work, I work.