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Digital kids digest 22/10/2013

A wrap-up of the latest activities in the kids sector. I really must find a better title. [click to continue…]


Digital kids digest 8/10/2013

Too much travelling in the last couple of weeks has killed my ability to write a coherent post about the kids sector (there’s a lot going on there) so I thought I’d put together a quick list of the more interesting stories instead. [click to continue…]


In the minds of many, Valve’s announcement of SteamOS has put the speculated-upon Steam Box into the realm of XboxOne and PS4 competitor. Nothing could be further from the truth. [click to continue…]


Twitter’s IPO may not be as smooth as you think

At the start of the year, I predicted that Google would acquire Twitter before they IPO’d. I’m admittedly cutting this one a little fine. But I still think an acquisition would be a better outcome for Twitter than going public.  [click to continue…]


The best way to use advisors

Every startup seems to have advisors. In fact, several I’ve spoken to feel they must have advisors. Despite generally being granted equity for free (advisors are usually ‘paid’ 0.25-0.5%), they’re probably one of the most under-utilised assets a company has. Don’t fall into that trap. [click to continue…]


The three stages of every games platform

A while back I wrote that mobile gaming was about to reach its Playstation 2 moment (i.e. peak profitability). The recent Supercell deal has clearly tagged that point on the graph. Yet at the same time, investors are increasingly reluctant to fund new games startups. What happened? [click to continue…]

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The folks in London Business School (LBS) kindly asked me to come in and talk at their TELL series about-well, basically everything. Their list of former speakers is outrageously good and you should really watch all of them instead of me.

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Ten reasons you should join SuperAwesome

SuperAwesome was launched about four months ago. With a mix of organic growth and an acquisition, we’re now the biggest kids discovery platform in the UK, reaching over 8M 8-14yr olds. And we’re just getting started. Not impressed yet? Here’s ten other reasons why you should join us.  [click to continue…]


Kids: the next big thing

Ten years ago (it seems like yesterday), we started building companies. I was talking about this to a group of MBAs the other night and I suddenly realised “we had an investment theme!”. This was a pretty exciting revelation-up until then I thought we’d been just solving problems. [click to continue…]


Looking for Warrior Jumpers

You probably need to read the comic strip to get the reference. Sometimes you find people who join the team and their impact goes well beyond just what their core focus is. You find yourself asking them to come to other meetings. You find yourself throwing more challenges at them which they seem to just eat up. They simply take control [click to continue…]