Fight My Monster!

by Dylan on June 2, 2011

Always a little embarrassing when TechCrunch beat you to your own news story but it’s official: our informal angel fund has invested in Dominic and the team at FightMyMonster. FMM is young but rapidly establishing itself as the Moshi Monsters for boys, and growing very nicely since its launch in January. The kids space is not an easy one but we really like what the guys have done so far. This wasn’t a formal investment round but the company is now organizing one so expect to see some more news about that in the future.

In the meantime, I suggest everyone go and have a look. Seriously, you’ll fall in love when you hit the landing page.

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By Blogsdna
  • Hugh

    My 10 year old niece is addicted to Moshi Monsters, so I can see big value in this investment. Well done! :-)

    • Anonymous

      I know.Its such a DUM THING

  • http://moshimonsters kieran

    I am on this card game i have only just started and i already think its good as moshi monsters , so i think yeah its the best well i only think .

  • Mark McKinney

    What’s the revenue stream for FMM? Dylan, it seems like with your experience and knowledge, you could help me get to the next level.

  • george mcmeekin

    im 10 years old i play fight my monster i can assure anyone who dosent like it has never played it or is to old it was a brilliant investment and i hope you make more like it soon also sorry if i am to young to post comments i dont know if i am :)

    • george mcmeekin

      also add me im zarzarhilbo im very good at it

  • Christina


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