Three things every founder should think about

by Dylan on January 3, 2012

[BY SAM COLLINS] This article is based on some observations that have been floating around my mind for a while. It reads a little like a manifesto but really it’s just a few things that we in the startup world need to possibly rethink.  Maybe it hits home for one or two of you.

Observation #1:  The purpose of entrepreneurs is to build something that creates value for people.

In a for-profit vehicle, those same people will be happy to pay you a fee for the new value that you bring them.

Win. Win.

My friends lecture me that “Value is what someone is willing to pay”. Yes I read that in a book once too. But anyone who tries to tell you that value is purely financial is subscribing to a branch of short-term capitalism whose flaws are now strewn around our credit ratings. A better model is ‘triple bottom line’ which states that value has three components: financial, social and environmental. Only one of those relates directly to money.

Observation #2:  People say we’ve lost the ability to think big. I don’t agree. I just think it’s become exponentially easier to achieve small.

It’s become easier to build something small which can reach a lot of people these days. That feels like success. It’s become easier to get funding for a product because it has that elusive ‘traction’. That feels like success too. The easier it becomes to build and deploy software and raise small seed rounds, the more everyone focuses on problems that can be achieved within these constraints. That feels like success too.

It’s become easier to play the game by achieving small than thinking big and striving for value.

Observation #3: I think our reference point for ‘big’ is too small.

Our concept of ‘big’ is subconsciously reinforced by what we read in the media, what gets heavily funded, and what exits for hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. Too often our ambition simply resonates with problems we experience every day, not with problems which exist in a much larger context.

With our economies shrinking around us, educational systems failing to effectively modernize, and too much of the world still depleting energy resources, don’t you think we could be working on something bigger than an app which is probably only going to be used by the social network elite (coincidentally also about 1%, when you factor free-to-play conversion rates).

These ‘big’ problems in the world are systems originally built by people like us. Crazy, narcissistic, creative mad people. Do you honestly believe that somebody else is more qualified to fix them?

Contributor: Sam Collins

Sam is the CEO of Eventasaurus, the online dashboard for event planners, managers and organisers (which TechCrunch recently said very nice things about). A self-confessed product-geek, he is also a lover of buttons and coffee.

You can follow Sam on Twitter.

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