I’d heard some rumours about this a while back but the official announcement happened yesterday: Ireland is to launch a dedicated startup visa program for non-EU entrepreneurs to set their company up in Ireland. This is genuinely a pretty big breakthrough.
Assuming Anonymous haven’t dismantled it yet, you can read the official government press release here . The main requirements are:
The Start-up Entrepreneur Programme provides that migrants with a good business idea in the innovation economy and funding of €70k can be given residency in this State for the purposes of developing their business (this compares with a previous minimum funding requirement of €300k). No initial job creation targets will be set as it is recognised that such businesses can take some time to get off the ground. Projects will be evaluated by an Evaluation Committee with State Agencies playing a key role in “picking winners” or those who demonstrate a good idea or the potential to be a winner.
Obviously this program can completely fall down if the Evaluation Committee lacks the relevant experience, so it will be interesting to see who it consists of. The program does seem like a fairly big step and hopefully also opens the way to faster visa issuing for companies hiring non-EU staff (which is still an problem).