Angels and demons: raising seed investment in Ireland

by Dylan on January 9, 2012

About a week ago, I surveyed 48 Irish startups about their experiences raising seed investment (€250k-€500k) in Ireland. The results are fascinating and certainly not what I expected. I also asked highly-respected VC, Mark Suster from GRP Partners, for his views on a couple of points. 

Good news #1 Irish angel investors have improved in leaps and bounds

The survey was split almost equally between companies which had already raised seed investment (40%) and those who are currently in the process of doing so (50%). The first major shock is the sheer unpopularity of Irish VC firms. Angel investors are by far the preferred choice, being over three times more popular than VC funds. From personal experience (confirmed anecdotally), this is a major change over a relatively short period of time.

Good news #2 Enterprise Ireland have clearly improved significantly

The general view of Enterprise Ireland several years ago was slow and not founder-friendly. There has obviously been significant change internally (pretty evident from initiatives like the Competitive Start and International Startup Funds) as Enterprise Ireland now rank above Irish VC funds as startup investors.

Bad news #1 Irish investors take 3x too long to get to a term sheet

This was quite troubling. Over 50% of the companies surveyed were taking about twelve weeks to get to term sheet. Bear in mind this is before any long-form negotiations which realistically means a seed investment process of about 5-6 months.

I asked Mark Suster (whose blog you should all bookmark), how the Irish term-sheet lead-time compared to the US:

Hot Companies
  • If you’re “hot” and you live in the Valley and are raising a seed round of $500k-1.5m now it will take you less than 4 weeks to term sheet.
  • If you’re hot and you’re raising a $5 million round it is probably also 4 weeks. In fact, you probably have people proactively approaching you.
  • If you’re raising a round of $10-20m it will probably take 12 weeks. Maybe 16.
Normal Companies
  • Seed round 4-8 weeks
  • A round 8-12 weeks
  • B round 12-16 weeks
Unsurprisingly, this time factor was the single biggest frustration (34%) which startups expressed about Irish investors in general.

Bad news #2 Irish investors are not educated enough

63% of the companies surveyed said that the investors they were speaking to had only a “vague understanding” or “no clue at whatsoever” about their sector. Some companies suggested that this was because many Irish VC partners haven’t been active in a company for a decade or longer. Others suggest it’s simply because many Irish investors won’t touch a company which is pre-revenue.

So who you gonna call?

The final question of the survey asked companies to rate their best investment experience. As you might expect, this was a completely mixed bag. However, the investors which had the most positive references were:

  1. Enterprise Ireland
  2. ACT
  3. Bloom Equity

Final thoughts

Generally speaking, this survey shows pretty good progress for Ireland. Enterprise Ireland has become more effective at supporting startups. Angel investors have become more prolific. Only the Irish VC funds appear to be lagging behind. But is this really the case? Mark points out that “they can only do a few investments per year per partner (because they actually have to manage them after they make the investment) and they get approached by a lot more companies (because there are fewer VCs than angels) so … they have less time with you, are less available and they say “no” a lot”. It’s a fair observation-perhaps we simply need more Irish VC funds?

For those startups (past or present) who didn’t take part in the survey, it would be great to get your feedback in the comments to verify these trends.

(By the way, for all those companies raising money, you should really watch Mark’s excellent video where he talks about the trade-offs between investor types)


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