A few thoughts on 2017 from my vantage point between media and technology worlds. [click to continue…]
It has been a rather busy year, hence the lack of writing. At some point I’ll find the time to share a few stories but I’m mostly in STFU-mode as we continue building. From my slightly unusual vantage point across the kids, digital media and general tech sectors, here are some predictions for 2015 (2014 is here, if you’re interested). [click to continue…]
Everyone talks about wanting to change the world. They mostly end up building another chat app. Today SuperAwesome has announced something that really matters: the Future 8 Awards. [click to continue…]
It’s interesting to watch the reaction around Secret. It seems to have successfully replicated the experience of childhood bullying and anguish for a range of (otherwise quite secure) adults. [click to continue…]
There’s a lot of debate about where the European startup scene sits on the global investment spectrum. It’s interesting to look at Ireland as a proxy over the last ten years. [click to continue…]
2013 was interesting. It wasn’t quite the pivotal year I imagined although I still hit about 50% of my predictions (and still reckon that Twitter/Google transaction was close). 2014 is going to be a maturing year, I don’t see many surprises but I do see a lot of consolidation coming down the line. [click to continue…]
It’s been a pretty busy year spent with the amazing team at SuperAwesome as well as my incredibly talented colleagues in Potato (Jason and Luke), Hoxton Ventures (Rob and Hussein) and Brown Bag Films (Cathal and Doc). It’s quite a unique perspective. Here are a few thoughts on 2013 I’ve collected from this combination of viewpoints. [click to continue…]
My love of Airbnb is pretty well known. And in 2013 I’ve clocked up a lot of Airbnb time (Hours? Stays?). Normally these are LA or SF trips but this year saw me test the experience in France, Denmark, Ireland, Germany as well as several rural adventures in England. Here’s a bunch of services I’d love to see them roll out; [click to continue…]
David McWilliams has a column in the Sunday Business Post today (sub required) which essentially calls out the internet sector as being a huge bubble about to burst. I don’t disagree with the existence of bubbles and cycles but a lot of his analysis is flat-out wrong. [click to continue…]
When people think about transition periods, they usually think of going from one state to another. The reality tends to be far murkier and some of the events in the kids industry this week underline that fact; [click to continue…]